Curing Agent

Parcure 200 Parcure 200

Water based product for curing concrete surfaces
PAR CURE 200 is a white pigmented synthetic emulsion based concrete curing compound. On drying, it forms a temporary membrane, which allows the concrete to retain sufficient water for optimum curing. This economical and efficient curing membrane eliminates the need for keeping concrete continuously wet for minimum 28 days. The white pigment reflects the light and heat of sun and minimises the chance of cracking of the surfaces.

All concrete and plaster surfaces which requires curing
Towers Bridge decks
Highways Canals Ramps and Walls
Dry shake hardened floors Hospitals Dams
Industrial floors Runways Retaining walls
RCC repaired sections

Water based product. No objectionable fumes
Quickly and easily applied by brush or spray application
Forms an efficient barrier of moisture for optimum curing of concrete
Eliminates the requirement of water in traditional concrete curing method
Keeps concrete cool by reflecting light and heat and minimises the chance of surface cracking
Breaks down by natural weathering to allow subsequent applications over the cured concrete
Suitable for interior and exterior application

PAR CURE 200 should be applied uniformly at the proper coverage rate by brush or spray on the fresh concrete after the surface has become free from bleeding water and final trowelling is over. In-situ concrete should be coated with PAR CURE 200 as soon as the shuttering is removed.

Appearance : White colour liquid
Specific Gravity at 30oC : 1.03 ± 0.04
Viscosity at 30oC : 2 - 4 poise
Application Temp : 5oC to 45oC
Drying Time : Approx. 2 hrs at 30oC
Flash point : NIL
Coverage : 3 - 5 m2 / litre depending on the concrete surface

20 Kg,60 Kg & 250 Kg